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Service detail
Last 30 days: +1983€, 49 OK/20 KO (71.01%)
Overall: +28864€, 1287 OK/763 KO (62.78%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +1663€, 44 OK/20 KO (68.75%)
Overall: +34043€, 1336 OK/773 KO (63.35%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +1348€, 47 OK/24 KO (66.2%)
Overall: +25942€, 1237 OK/734 KO (62.76%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +1157€, 36 OK/16 KO (69.23%)
Overall: +24486€, 1024 OK/571 KO (64.2%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +1156€, 56 OK/33 KO (62.92%)
Overall: +31744€, 1787 OK/1113 KO (61.62%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +1137€, 30 OK/16 KO (65.22%)
Overall: -6472€, 294 OK/519 KO (36.16%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +823€, 34 OK/26 KO (56.67%)
Overall: +1362€, 65 OK/55 KO (54.17%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +574€, 34 OK/23 KO (59.65%)
Overall: +16398€, 946 OK/631 KO (59.99%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +536€, 28 OK/18 KO (60.87%)
Overall: +23057€, 867 OK/487 KO (64.03%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +321€, 39 OK/25 KO (60.94%)
Overall: +16564€, 1316 OK/780 KO (62.79%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +279€, 13 OK/5 KO (72.22%)
Overall: -1373€, 181 OK/148 KO (55.02%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +244€, 19 OK/15 KO (55.88%)
Overall: +667€, 70 OK/41 KO (63.06%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +204€, 2 OK/1 KO (66.67%)
Overall: +204€, 2 OK/1 KO (66.67%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +197€, 9 OK/4 KO (69.23%)
Overall: +197€, 9 OK/4 KO (69.23%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +172€, 4 OK/1 KO (80%)
Overall: +172€, 4 OK/1 KO (80%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +105€, 7 OK/4 KO (63.64%)
Overall: +105€, 7 OK/4 KO (63.64%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +85€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Overall: +85€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +49€, 5 OK/2 KO (71.43%)
Overall: +49€, 5 OK/2 KO (71.43%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +49€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Overall: +49€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +43€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Overall: +43€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +30€, 13 OK/10 KO (56.52%)
Overall: +16964€, 1123 OK/811 KO (58.07%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: +16€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Overall: +16€, 1 OK/0 KO (100%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -1€, 17 OK/8 KO (68%)
Overall: -1€, 17 OK/8 KO (68%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -25€, 1 OK/1 KO (50%)
Overall: -25€, 1 OK/1 KO (50%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -90€, 15 OK/9 KO (62.5%)
Overall: +30€, 37 OK/28 KO (56.92%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Overall: -43€, 33 OK/14 KO (70.21%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Overall: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Overall: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Overall: -100€, 0 OK/1 KO (0%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -109€, 2 OK/2 KO (50%)
Overall: -239€, 4 OK/4 KO (50%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -125€, 2 OK/2 KO (50%)
Overall: -125€, 2 OK/2 KO (50%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -171€, 24 OK/21 KO (53.33%)
Overall: +12898€, 889 OK/609 KO (59.35%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -200€, 0 OK/2 KO (0%)
Overall: -200€, 0 OK/2 KO (0%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -200€, 0 OK/2 KO (0%)
Overall: +15821€, 1040 OK/697 KO (59.87%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -224€, 3 OK/4 KO (42.86%)
Overall: -148€, 11 OK/7 KO (61.11%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -230€, 1 OK/3 KO (25%)
Overall: -230€, 1 OK/3 KO (25%)
Verified tips: 100%
Active - 6x
Service detail
Last 30 days: -368€, 30 OK/29 KO (50.85%)
Overall: +21488€, 1262 OK/857 KO (59.56%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -373€, 2 OK/6 KO (25%)
Overall: -373€, 2 OK/6 KO (25%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -400€, 0 OK/4 KO (0%)
Overall: -400€, 0 OK/4 KO (0%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -487€, 42 OK/34 KO (55.26%)
Overall: -18187€, 1003 OK/894 KO (52.87%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -508€, 19 OK/21 KO (47.5%)
Overall: +15355€, 854 OK/570 KO (59.97%)
Verified tips: 100%
Active - 1x
Service detail
Last 30 days: -551€, 40 OK/25 KO (61.54%)
Overall: -5354€, 370 OK/285 KO (56.49%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -619€, 18 OK/21 KO (46.15%)
Overall: +10130€, 735 OK/510 KO (59.04%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -630€, 30 OK/31 KO (49.18%)
Overall: +17473€, 1183 OK/855 KO (58.05%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -633€, 63 OK/69 KO (47.73%)
Overall: -56388€, 1495 OK/2515 KO (37.28%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -694€, 23 OK/27 KO (46%)
Overall: +11072€, 854 OK/632 KO (57.47%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -709€, 4 OK/13 KO (23.53%)
Overall: -1286€, 605 OK/1198 KO (33.56%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -924€, 8 OK/19 KO (29.63%)
Overall: -6443€, 256 OK/342 KO (42.81%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -1435€, 17 OK/36 KO (32.08%)
Overall: -2582€, 86 OK/190 KO (31.16%)
Verified tips: 100%
Dinda avatar
Dinda - Show
Service detail
Last 30 days: -2939€, 11 OK/52 KO (17.46%)
Overall: -14195€, 1209 OK/2311 KO (34.35%)
Verified tips: 100%
Service detail
Last 30 days: -3754€, 18 OK/62 KO (22.5%)
Overall: +2438€, 379 OK/545 KO (41.02%)
Verified tips: 100%

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